I heart Project Runway! Did you see the first episode where they had to go to the grocery store and choose things to make into garments? Oh man! Love, love, loved it. This one did not win, but it won my heart.

The designer took vacuum cleaner bags, flattened them, and dyed them with streaks of color and turned them into a fab skirt. Then, THEN she used coffee filters to design the corset style top.

I got so excited, that I jumped up and made one myself. Don't laugh. It was totally fun, and I gave it to my gal pal Karen Brandon the next day at work. She loved it!

Okay, so after I made my little rendition of coffee filter art, I googled the snot out of the words "coffee filter dress" and found these coolio ideas. This ruffled dress is amazing. Just think of the work, my gosh!

Is this not beautiful? Who would have thought you could create roses out of coffee filters? This certainly is crafting to the inth degree.

Teeheee, look at the kitty. Another coffee filter lover like me.

This dress is not just coffee filters, but newspapers, too. How Fun! Okay, gotta get ready to watch this week's Project Runway. What will they think of next?