Chloe Tatro was my model, and took on the fierce attitude of the gown in the most amazing way! Thanks Chloe, for your dedication and grace on the runway.
As most of you know, I'm huge into altered shoes, and so I simply had to do something crazy for them. The heels have eyes on them from magazine pages, and the toes are covered in shredded VHS tapes. The straps have wine bottle tops on them to simulate jewels.
The biggest accomplishment was making the pompoms for all three boas. I'm estimating that I made at least 300 pompoms from VHS tapes and tied them all together. Perfect for Trashique!

I'll put up more photos of the details. Oh, and of course, I'll post some pics from the Trashique' event. It was so fun, and we raised lots of money for the Fresno Art Museum.