Finally, we are headed to Oklahoma for our party to celebrate the wedding! Yipppeeeee! We sent this postcard out to all of our friends and family, so we're just crossing our fingers that another ice storm doesn't hit Tulsa and mess up our plans like it did at Christmas. It was really tough not being able to fly into Tulsa during the big blast of ice and devastation on the week we had planned to be there with our family. They even closed down the airport there, it was so bad. But now we get to party!

I put together some sweet little party favors for our special guests and shipped them out yesterday, so I hope the FedEx dude can find my parents house out in the boonies at Grand Lake in time for us to take them to Lola's.
As you can see, they are Chinese take-out boxes in pretty colors to match our invitations and postcards. I tied the chocolate and tangerine colored boxes with kiwi green and golden ribbons. It took a lot longer than I thought it would but each little bow has scalloped edges that I cut with my new shears that Gail (Scott's sis) gave me for Christmas. Too cute!
I placed 2 squares of individually wrapped Ghirardelli chocolates in each one. Yummmers! Would you believe that I got through the whole evening and only ate one?
First, I poked a circle of white wedding tulle inside each box and filled them with rich coffee beans. Scott and I are totally addicted to coffee and chocolate. In fact, when there is no chocolate in the house, we have to make a chocolate run. Scott's the one who's addicted. (Not me;-) We could hardly sleep the night I made these, the house was so full of the aroma of fresh roasted coffee. Anyway, we thought it would be fun to share our addiction with our party guests. So, they get to go home and grind some beans, put on a pot of java, scarf down some dark chocolate and think of us.
I'm going to have a hard time keeping up my blog while we're gone since my Mom & Dad have dial up. But, I'm going to try to keep putting up more projects and of course the party pics, so keep checking back!