It all happened behind this door, baybee. Four days of staging, lighting, equipment, directing, audio, set styling and crafts! My design studio was filled to the brim with all that stuff, plus the shiny happy people from
Lifetime Network’s Broadband Video crew. So come on in, and let me give you a behind the scenes sneaky peak.
AND, get ready because…..
“Let’s Craft with Pattiewack!”
will be launched on SEPTEMBER 17th!

Director Harriet Ells was a total blur during the shoot as she ran around checking each step-out, camera angle and script. She has a fantastic eye for detail and made sure that whether it was an apron, necklace, tote bag, or martini glass, it was shot with perfection.

I especially liked how Ruben our DP/Camera OP, kept track of his C47s. (That’s “clothespins” to the rest of us.) He was extremely patient with me as we stopped and started for each set-change and pick-up. I think he even got “into” some of the crafty stuff, too! I mean, what guy can resist “Girls Night Out” crafts with girlie girl papers and bows and ice buckets?

I want to be sure and thank everyone who sent awesomely abundant boxes of products. I just have to say thanks to Ed Murphy at
EK Success , Linda Selnick and Alyson Udell at
Duncan, Michelle Neuhauser at
Krylon, Doxie Keller at
Deco Art, Nancy Jewell at
Coats and Clark , and
Provo Craft for making me look good. You were ALL amazing with your efforts to get last minute supplies to me. And I know that you are just gonna LOVE the crafty things you made possible!

Did I tell you that we did 16 WEBISODES? Yes, sixteen! It was a ton of work to get the step-outs just right, but Harriet and I made it fun, and we came up with some spankin’ new ideas just for LifetimeTV.com that I have never done before.

After shooting 3 out of 4 sewing projects, we were just about to roll tape on the fourth one, when we heard a big truck outside and had to stop everything. It was the UPS man, and he had a big box with a fabulous new sewing machine inside.
Check it out. It is the
Singer 7470 Computerized Sewing Machine with 1000+ Stitches. I can embroider, seam, stitch and hem with endless styles and options to work with. It’s fantastic! Needless to say, we stopped everything and threaded this puppy up, and sewed the cutest cowgirl aprons you’ve ever seen. Big thanks to Nancy Jewell, Director of Media Relations at Husqvarna Viking, SVP Worldwide and her amazing team!

I fell in love with Mike’s dimples. (Don’t tell Scott…) What a cutie-pie, and what a fun Production Assistant he was, too. We all just died laughing when this humongous reflector came out of the bag. My goodness, it was HUGE! You could LIVE underneath it! I think we might have attracted some attention from the
Santa Paula Airport with this big guy flashing sunrays around. Actually, Scott was behind the scenes helping me all week. He was great at telling me if my outfits worked and what jewelry to wear, and if my hair was too crazy. Thanks, babe.

Harriet busted up laughing at the big honkin reflector, too. Oh, and Mike did a super job with the cue cards for my open. Nice penmanship, dude. Now what font is that exactly?

There’s Ruben! Yeah, that reflector is BIG, but he can’t hide from the camera.
Oh, I almost forgot…(because we didn’t get a pic of him), Evan Blackford, Senior Lifetime Producer, was great at the shoot, too. I LOVE him! He was truly interested in the paper crafts and told me that he and his fiancĂ© did handmade cards with embossed rubberstamping for their “save-the-date” announcements. Now THAT'S cool.

Our front porch was in full bloom with my hot-glued flower chairs and the gorgeous basket of plants that
Joan Fee gave us as a housewarming gift. The red begonias were the perfect touch to brighten up my open as I welcome all of you to my crafty webisodes.

Well, it’s a WRAP until next time. We had great food all week from the some of the best places in
Santa Paula , and I want to thank Richard at the Mupu Grill, Hozy’s, the Santa Paula Coffee Company, and the Familia Diaz restaurant for keeping us going!