The VERY best part of a trade show is getting to see all my friends. I tried to get pics of most everyone, but got caught up in the moment several times and forgot. But, who could forget to get a pic with these crazy peeps?
Kathy Cano Murillo and
Traci Bautista were hanging out as designers at the
Duncan booth, and Crafty Chica products were everywhere! These gals rock the craft world every day with the latest and greatest designs and ideas.

I also got a sneaky pic of Mike Hartnett of
Creative Leisure News, Mark Peters and Larry Duncan at the
Duncan booth. These highly respected fellas looked like they were solving the world's problems, and coming up with the next big thing in the arts and crafts industry.

Of course, the
Lifetime TV.com team was there! That's Harriet Ells, Director and Mary Graff, Editor checking out all the exciting new stuff while we discussed what's going to be next on my
"Let's Craft with Pattiewack" web-isodes and all kinds of new projects for the site. I'm holding the cute hand-out they were giving to everyone. I can't wait to get started on some new projects. Hmmmm, I see jewelry, beads, party themes, and holiday projects in the future.....stay tuned!

It wouldn't be a trade show without Joan Fee there to get a hug! We have been buds forever, and it's always great to catch up with her to exchange ideas and discuss the latest happenings. She has a great craft blog,
Express Your Creativity, and is the Senior Copywriter at Duncan. Her life is filled with exciting things like adventure vacations, parties, and tons of crafts.

Oh my gosh! It was such fun to catch up with Heather Lancaster, who is just a ball of fire when it comes to scrapbooking and developing innovative products for Provo Craft, including the Coluzzles™ and the Cricut®. She is a well-known
Hall of Famer for Creating Keepsakes and has begun hosting on the PBS show,
Hands On: Crafts For Kids!
Check out that bag, baybee! Cheryl Ball is a diva of design at Duncan, and she was styling with her hand-painted roll-around. You can find hundreds of her projects all over the web when you google her name, or go to
DuncanCrafts.com and find tons of great ideas made especially by Cheryl.

After a long day at the show, my pal and design partner, Susan Levin and I crashed at the Cheesecake Factory and almost threw out a lip, eating cheeeeeeeeesecake! Scott took the pic, otherwise you could see the cheesecake evidence on him, too. Susan is co-Author of the absolutely delightful new
"SHOW ME HOW" books about a little girl named Mary Ruth, that teach how to knit and quilt. I will be discussing more about those cute books later.
CHA was fabulous! I'll be posting more about new products, and showing some of the latest and most innovative ideas I saw while I was there, so come back!